Friday, September 17, 2010


This afternoon, we played soccer at our P.E. class. Actually it is so tiring and at the same time it was fun!!!! Tired because I'm the catcher at our group and you should be focus so that whenever your oponent would use the term "sacrifice" you should immediately catch the ball and throw it to the pitcher so that she can tag the person who is running for the next base. Funny because some of our groupmates are so crazy that they just keep on laughing while kicking the ball so that's why they can't always hit the ball. We were laughing because one example was that Jacque went on the first base and she wasn't able to control herself and she accidentally jump on Marion's body and they were'nt able to go-up immediately. After our game we were the loser and Ryahh's team won for the scores of 5 and 10.

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